A basic rich text editor. This is also available as form field type "html". Use the .GetValue() method to retrieve the value as html string.
{ _: TK.HtmlEditor, Data: "Some <strong>example</strong> data" }
{ style: { width: "600px", height: "400px" }, Elements: { HtmlEditor: { _: TK.HtmlEditor, FillContainer: true, Buttons: ["Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Custom"], ButtonTemplates: { Custom: { innerHTML: Svg.Icons.Settings, onclick: function() { alert(this.Near("HtmlEditor").GetValue()); } } } } } }
Note, this feature depends on the TK.ImageEditor, TK.Popup and TK.Draw. It requires using the full version.
The image will be embedded in the HTML source using a data: url.
{ style: { width: "600px", height: "400px" }, Elements: { HtmlEditor: { _: TK.HtmlEditor, FillContainer: true, Buttons: TK.HtmlEditor.Buttons.concat(["InsertImage"]) } } }